Teaching activities – Course No. 1

Course No. 1

Title of course: Digital rights and Principles: People at the centre of the digital transformation
Lecturers in charge: Prof. Dr. Maja Nastić, Prof. Dr. Anita Blagojević

EU Fundamental Rights
Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
EU Court of Justice and European Court for Human Rights
Digital Constitutionalism: Constitutional Response to Digital Technology Challenges
 Internet and Constitutional Law
Benefits and harms of using ICT
EU Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for Digital Decade
Gender balance and digitalisation in the EU
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The right to access to the Internet
The right to be forgotten
Ensuring freedom of choice online
A fair digital environment
Corporate responsibilities for human rights

The aim of the course is to develop knowledge of how the application of digital technologies is reflected in the enjoyment and protection of human rights. The application of new technologies has an impact on the realisation of human rights at the national level (defined by the Constitution) and international (EU) level.
